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My future job

what do I see myself doing in several years? Complicated question, since my present says some things about my personality and life, but im not necessarily preparing to work on the career i'm studying. Right now, I study Social Anthropology at Universidad de Chile, but my life really -as far as I know- wishes to go in another direction. I love (and have loved for almost 6 years now) circus arts, acrobatics and many more artistic disciplines. My plan for the future is to get my degree in Social sciences and, afterwards, apply to one of the greatest circus arts school in the world: ESAC, at Belgium. My specific discipline is aerial rope or corde lisse (anyway you wanna say it), and it consists of a vertical rope used to maneuver and do stunts. I currently train as hard as I can, whilst studying in order to pass all my courses, since schools in Europe accept students until 23 years old, so if I fail a course, the odds of me not accomplishing my dream and just becoming a frustrated

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Hey guys!!!!!!

el tigre de malasia espera